Baby Milestones

Posted: April 8, 2017 in Baby Stuff

Baby Milestones

Baby one to six months
What to expect from your baby at this stage.

| Achieved skills (most babies can do)Emerging skills (half of babies can do)Advanced skills (a few babies can do)
| Baby’s age: | “one month”


“Lifts head”

* Responds”to sound”

“Stares at faces”

* Can”see black-and-white patterns”

* Follows objects
* Oohs and ahs

* Smiles
* Laughs
* Holds head at 45-degree angle
| Baby’s age: | “two months”


* Vocalises sounds – gurgling and cooing
* Follows objects
“Holds head up”
for short periods

“Smiles responsively, laughs”

* Holds head at 45-degree angle
* Movements become smoother

* Holds head steady
* Bears weight on legs
* May”lift head and shoulder (mini push-up)”

| Baby’s age: | “three months”


* Laughs and smiles
* Holds head steady
“Recognises your face”
and scent

* Squeals,”gurgles, coos”

* Recognises your voice
* Does mini push-ups

* Turns towards loud sounds
* Can bring hands together and may bat at toys
* Can”roll over”

| Baby’s age: | “four months”


* Holds”head up steadily”

* Can bear weight on legs
* Coos when you talk to him
* Does mini push-ups

* Can”grasp a toy”

* Reaches out for objects
* Can roll over

* Imitates speech sounds – baba, dada
* May”cut first tooth”

| Baby’s age: | “five months”


* Can”distinguish between bold colours”

* Can roll over
* Amuses himself by playing with hands and feet

* Turns towards”new sounds”

* Recognises own name

* May sit momentarily without support
* Mouths objects
“Stranger anxiety”
may begin
| Baby’s age: | “six months”


* Turns towards sounds and voices
“Imitates sounds”
, blows bubbles
* Rolls in both directions

* Reaches for objects and mouths them
* Sits without support

* May lunge forward or”start crawling”

* May jabber or combine syllables
* May drag object towards himself

“seven to 12 months”

| Achieved skills (most babies can do)Emerging skills (Half of babies can do)Advanced skills (A few babies can do)
Baby’s age :”seven months”


without support
* Reaches for things with a sweeping motion
* Imitates”speech sounds”

* Combines syllables into word-like sounds
* Begins to”crawl”
or lunges forward
* Picks up objects with one hand and passes to the other hand
* Bangs objects together

while holding on to something
* Waves goodbye
Baby’s age :”eight months”


* Says “dada” and “mama” to both parents (isn’t specific)
* Begins to crawl
* Passes object from”hand to hand”

* Stands while holding on to something
* Points at objects

* Pulls self to standing position, cruises around furniture while holding on
* Picks things up with thumb-and-finger”pincer grasp”

* Indicates wants with gestures
Baby’s age :”nine months”


“Combines syllables”
into word-like sounds
* Stands while holding on to something
* Bangs, drops, and throws objects

* Uses”pincer grasp”
to pick up objects
while holding on to furniture

* Plays pat-a-cake
“Says “dada” and “mama””
to the right parent (is specific)
Baby’s age :”10 months”


* Waves goodbye
* Picks things up with pincer grasp
* Cruises

* Says “dada” and “mama” to the right parent (is specific)
to name and understands “no”
* Indicates wants with gestures

* Drinks from a cup
alone for a couple of seconds
* Puts objects into a container
Baby’s age :”11 months”


“Says “dada” and “mama””
to the right parent (is specific)
* Plays pat-a-cake
* Stands alone for a couple of seconds

* Imitates others’ activities
* Puts objects into a container
simple instructions

from a cup
* Says one word besides “mama” and “dada”
* Stoops from standing position
Baby’s age :”12 months”


others’ activities
* Jabbers word-like sounds
* Indicates wants with gestures

* Says one word besides “mama” and “dada”
* Takes a few steps
and responds to simple instructions

with crayon
* Says two words besides “mama” and “dada”


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